Sundays from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 

Room 206

Open to all rising 6th grade students through 12th grade students. Join us on Sunday evenings from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm for a light supper provided by members of the congregation,  really fun games and Biblically based, age appropriate  lessons from Youth Director and affiliate member, Rev. Anna Cooper (ordained in the PCUSA)  All are welcome to join and we so look forward to seeing you soon. 

CONTACT: Anna Cooper


sign up here


Youth socials

Youth Socials are scheduled monthly, year-round. These youth fellowship events are fun team building experiences.  They assist with forming friendships in faith. These are great times to bring friends to "church!" Socials create an opportunity for young disciples to learn that their faith dwells in their every step, most especially outside of the church walls.  These are the training grounds for them to live out their faith upon graduation from Youth Group, when they leave the nest and enter into adulthood. 


Below please find a calendar for our Youth Fellowship (5:30-7:00 p.m. on Sundays). 

  • After our Pottery Class at Recovering Clay, we will be meeting for dinner and Youth Fellowship a little bit early.  As the class is from 2:00-4:30 p.m., we will then share a meal at 5:00 and conclude our group time at 6:30 (as opposed to our usual 5:30-7:00 p.m. time).  We will be taking a look at the prayer practice called the "Examen," using a unique app! We will also be engaging in some target practice with extraordinary Nerf guns. Get ready for some fun! 

  • The Confirmation Retreat (at Camp Chestnut Ridge) will take place all weekend, from Friday, February 21- Sunday, February, 23.  To give those confirmands who are also in Youth Fellowship time for school work and to prepare for the week ahead, Youth Fellowship will take a break this week. 

  • The Fulkerson's will provide tacos for Snack Supper. Our Bible Study on the Book of Proverbs will begin.  We will be using Alabaster Co.'s texts. Please contact to order your text. 

  • Proverbs Bible study continues. 

  • Proverbs Bible Study continues. 

  • Proverbs Bible study continues. 

  • Proverbs Bible study continues. 

  • Proverbs Bible Study continues. 

  • This all church fellowship event invites our youth to lead games. 

  • Preparation for Youth Sunday begins! 

  • Preparation for Youth Sunday gets more serious. 

  • This temporary filler text disappears once you click it. This is just placeholder example text that can be deleted. Type your own unique, authentic, and appropriate text for this tab here.

  • Finalizing Youth Sunday Worship service. 

  • Youth Fellowship will not meet in the evening, as the youth will lead us in worship this morning.  They will certainly need a break after pouring their hearts into this special annual tradition.  Expect something new and exciting this year! 

  • Although today is Mother's Day, there is still reason to join in fellowship amongst our Youth.  We are planning a little get together for parents to attend as well; a special time for the youth to honor the maternal figures in their lives. 

  • Snack Supper and Youth Fellowship. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship's final meeting for the Spring Semester. We will enjoy a special time together to say farewell to those graduating the program to begin their university studies. We will also prepare for the summer as we part ways for a season of sabbath rest. We will reunite in the fall of 2025.  Youth Fellowship programming will resume on a regular/weekly basis on September 7, 2025!

  • DATE TBD. We will enjoy a night out together at the Saturdays in Saxapahaw event. 

  • DATE TBD. We will take a road trip together to the White Water Rafting Center to cool off and face some fears this hot season. 

  • DATE TBD. The Quarry is a well kept secret in the area... another watering hole where we can have tons of fun. 

  • After a season of rest to weather the heat, we come together and resume our regular programming with Snack Supper and Youth Fellowship from 5:30-7:00. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. 

  • Pilgrimage (The Annual UMC Youth Conference) takes place from November 7-9, 2025, location TBD.  After a long weekend of faith formation, worship, and travel, the youth will need a well deserved break to prepare for the week ahead.  Youth Fellowship will not meet this evening. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. 

  • Thanksgiving Break calls for out of town travel! We will resume our programming again on December 7th. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship.  Advent study to begin! 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. Advent Study continues. 

  • Snack supper and Youth Fellowship. Advent Study continues. 

  • Christmas Break will in full swing, so we will take time to rest before resuming our programming in January of 2026. Check back in December to see upcoming dates for 2026. 

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