Fall Worship Series

Church from scratch

In the same way that all of us recognize the love that goes into cooking from scratch, we will be taking a look at the the ingredients than go into making a church from scratch! 

As a part of the "Church from Scratch" series, each week we will be offering a "from scratch" recipe for you to try.

Check back each week for the new recipe.

REcipes from Scratch

Click on the bar below to see the recipe for the week.

  • This week our word is “terroir” - meaning the way a specific area influences the crops it nourishes. In the NC Piedmont, corn has long been a staple crop. For indigenous peoples from Mexico to Montana, the three sisters (corn, beans, and squash) are planted together.  In her book, Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer writes, " Of all the wise teachers who have come into my life, none are more eloquent than these, who wordlessly in leaf and vine embody the knowledge of relationship. Alone, a bean is just a vine, squash an oversize leaf. Only when standing together with corn does a whole emerge which transcends the individual. The gifts of each are more fully expressed when they are nurtured together than alone. In ripe ears and swelling fruit, they counsel us that all gifts are multiplied in relationship. This is how the world keeps going," 

    Here is a cornbread recipe to try: Southern Cornbread Recipe

  • "Mom always made these beans for picnics, outdoor meals (which we often did), and family gatherings. For me, the beans remind me of the stability of our family and the traditions of eating outside as often as the weather allowed." - Chris Fulkerson  Mom's Baked Beans

  • "For me, risotto is a dish to teach patience. It’s not hard to make, but there are a lot of steps. It’s the constant stirring that both calls for and teaches patience! I find the stirring to be a kind of meditation."   - Pastor Claire   Pastor Claire's Risotto

  • “One of the many advantages of being a PK (preacher’s kid) is living in a lot of places and getting a lot of good recipes.  I lived in Goldsboro from age 4 to age 7.  Jonnie Faye and Walton Thompson were a couple in our church that I remember very well, even though that was a long time ago."- Susan Brink    Brunswick Stew

  • "While assembling this cake, I thought of all the workers who had contributed to make sure all the ingredients were available.  This is truly an example of workers using their God-given talents to come together in unity to produce a final, delicious product.”   -Doug Rayle   Butternut Squash Cake

  • Stone Soup is a European folk story in which hungry strangers convince the people of a town to each share a small amount of their food in order to make a meal that everyone enjoys and exists as a moral regarding the value of sharing and generosity. On Consecration Sunday we all share what we plan to contribute to the ministries of our church. Stone Soup

  • As Sabbath is to be a day of rest, we offer a recipe that requires little or no work on the part of the cook. By adding a few vegetables to the crockpot, you have a complete meal, ready to eat when you come home from church. Slow Cooker Chicken

  • There is no yummier Gratitude gift than a homemade gift from the kitchen. This week's recipe makes two loaves in that favorite fall flavor pumpkin. You can either keep one and gift one, or double your gratitude by blessing two recipients. Pumpkin Bread

  • Ah...Homecoming! Church Homecomings are a Southern tradition that we all love. This year at FUMC we will remember our loved ones who have passed, celebrate our new members, enjoy fellowship, and share bountiful tables of home cooked foods. No Homecoming meal would be complete without Mac and Cheese so we offer up an easy recipe here. Easy Mac & Cheese.

  • Hospitality can be defined as “the quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way.” In the New Testament, the Greek word translated “hospitality” literally means “love of strangers.” Hospitality is a virtue that is both commanded and commended throughout Scripture. The recipe this week is all about sharing hospitality. From a single starter, many wonderful loaves of bread can be made and shared to others. Amish Friendship Bread Starter

  • The Dinner Table is a metaphor for what we mean by "Slow Church". It takes time to prepare and it is what holds the family together. Just in time for Thanksgiving we offer a recipe for   Pumpkin Pie