Children's Sunday School

Our Children's Sunday school starts at 10AM and includes fun activities that are scripture centered

Each week, children are given take-home resources to help spark faith conversations with their families. 

Our youngest children are cared for each week by our staff Nursery Caregiver along with church volunteers. 

Children's age groupings and classrooms are below:

Birth to Age 3 :  room 121

4yrs to 2nd Grade :  room 120

3rd to 5th Grade :  room 209

If you have more questions about where your child fits into our Children's Ministry contact Chris Fulkerson



Meet on Sundays at 10 am - 10:45 am

Youth Discipleship classes serve as a means of instruction, conversation & growth for Middle and High Schoolers seeking to delve into scripture, and to learn how it interacts with the world at large. Understanding our roles as Christ’s presence on Earth, and the inherent responsibility that follows, is integral to faith formation within our Youth Christian education.

  • Middle School

    6TH - 8TH Grades

    room 208

    Contact: Marilyn Perkey

  • High School

    9TH - 12TH Grades

    rooms 206

    Contact: Susan Brink



Adult Sunday Schools meet on Sundays at 10 am - 10:45 am during the Discipleship Hour

If you have more questions about our Adult Sunday School or Small Group classes contact Chris Fulkerson


    Room 104 (The Parlor)

    Composed of singles and married couples, we are a mission-minded group. We participate in our own and church wide fundraising projects throughout the year. On the second Sunday of the month we have a covered-dish breakfast to intentionally grow in our fellowship with one another. Our Bible studies are interactive, round-table discussions. Each new member brings something unique to the group.


    Room 102 (The Chapel)

    Composed of married couples and singles of various ages, we promise a warm and personal welcome. We strive to study God’s Word and learn how to apply it to our lives. We support each other and our Church family as we share joys and sorrows in various types of fellowship. We also raise money to provide funds for various mission outreach projects.


    Room 132

    This class is a close and supportive group of mature couples and singles. We use the Adult Bible Series and encourage open discussion in our class. Our class is mission-minded and supports our Church in all its outreach projects. Where there is a need, we are always ready to help. We believe that we grow in our faith not only through service, but also through fellowship and fun. We feel that it is through study, service, support, fellowship, and fun that we truly show the love of Jesus Christ to those with whom we come in contact.

  • REflections

    Room 114

    Are you looking for a place to connect with other adults after the 9am worship service?  Would you like to discuss what you just heard in Pastor Duane's sermon?  The Reflections small group may be what you are looking for!